Simple Web Template

Description: Simple Web Template provides a basic and simple HTML and CSS template for static web sites. It has a minimalistic approach with focus on page weight, low-tec and responsive design.

Supported Devices: Simple Web Template should work for common browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) on phones, tablets, laptops and desktop systems. Internet Explorer is not supported (shows the content but no main tag support).

Legal: Simple Web Template is free of charge. It is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. For details please see Terms of Use (License). Simple Web Template is licensed under The MIT License (MIT) and available on GitHub

css/simpleweb.css 		CSS file
images/extlink.png,logo.png 	Image files
js/simpleweb.js		Javascript file
favicon.ico			Small icon for bookmarks, tabs
index.htm			Main file with HTML code
touch-icon.png			Icon for desktop, start screen

File list Simple Web Template

Samples: Simple Web Template used for basic instruction manuals.

Note: To adapt Simple Web Template for your needs some basic experience in CSS, HTML and JS is recommended.

HTML Page Structure

The page structure is based on three sections:

<!-- navigation -->

<!-- content -->
<main id="top">...</main>

<!-- footer -->

Code Sample 1: Basic page structure

Head Section

The head section contains three subsections. Depending on screen size the appearence may differ, see CSS media queries.

	<div class="head">
		<div class="logo">...</div>
		<div id="mobile">≡</div>
		<div id="navi">
			<a href="index.htm">Home</a>

Code Sample 2: Head section structure

Main Section

The main section can have single and double column layout. Double column may switch to single on mobile devices, see CSS media queries. The layout is assigned via classes.

Use <br class="clearfl" /> after each row to clear the flow.

<main id="top">
	<div class="col0">
		Single Column
	<br class="clearfl" />
	<div class="col1">
		Left column
	<div class="col2">
		Right Column
	<br class="clearfl" />

Code Sample 3: Main section structure

Footer Section

The footer section contains two subsections. Depending on screen size the appearence may differ, see CSS media queries.

		<p class="version">...</p>
		<p class="legal">...</p>

Code Sample 4: Footer section structure

CSS Media Queries

CSS file can be found under: ./css/simpleweb.css.
The following media queries are used to render the website for different screen sizes. You may adapt them for your needs.

Icons and Images

Following minimalistic design, icons and images are used on a very low level. The following images are included in the template by default. You may adapt them for your needs or add some new images.

The touch-icon.png may also be used on windows or linux when adding the web page to the desktop (instead of the favicon.ico). But this may depend on screen resolution and resolution of the favicon.ico file.


Javascript file can be found under: ./js/simpleweb.js.
Javascript is used to switch between standard view and mobile view when resizing the window or switching orientation.
Javascript also handles show/hide of the mobile navigation dropdown menue.

Use var mobileWidth = 800; to set the breakpoint to switch between standard view and mobile view. Same value must also be set in the CSS file as CSS media query @media (max-width: 800px)

ScreenshotsResponsive Views: Standard and Mobile Navigation